Friday was one of those perfect summer days. I decided to take advantage of it and so I grabbed my knitting bag and headed out to the back yard. Once I spread my beach towels out I let the four fur devils out to romp around. For sanity purposes I chose to knit some squares I am making for a retro colored afghan I have in mind. The simplicity of the pattern on the squares makes it perfect for the many times I had to get up and chase after one of the cats who were getting too close to jumping the fence. Luna likes to run across the yard to me and climb all over me and let me know how much fun she is having while I am trying to make sure she gets untangled from my yarn. At one point Sasha was being groomed by her new little brother Merlin and as I watched I knew that there was no more perfect time than that moment. If the weather cooperates, I hope I can venture out again today with my shawl project and maybe a pitcher of martinis!
Gallery of Gorgeous
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We have glamour shots of Spun Right Round, Sprig and Stone, and Farmer's
4 years ago
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